• Bambole Antiche - Collezionismo

    10 e 11 maggio 2024 venerdì e sabato
    La più grande fiera al mondo per collezionisti di bambole antiche a Neustadt bei Coburg

    10 e 11 maggio 2024 venerdì e sabato
    La più grande borsa del mondo per collezionisti e la borsa delle bambole antiche a Neustadt bei Coburg


10 - 11 maggio 2024

La più grande borsa di bambole da collezione del mondo per bambole antiche, orsacchiotti, statuette Hummel, miniature, decorazioni per l'albero di Natale, giocattoli di latta e statuette Elastolin nella città bavarese di Neustadt bei Coburg.

Wildenheider Str. 13
96465 Neustadt bei Coburg

Rating 1.33 (3 Votes)

Grande fiera internazionale del collezionismo di bambole antiche nella Frankenhalle!

Di vecchi tesori e care rarità

56 Giorni 18 Orario 42 Verbale 31 Secondi

Il più grande mercato collezionistico al mondo di bambole antiche francesi e tedesche con testa di porcellana e celluloide di vari produttori: Käthe-Kruse, Schildkröt, Heubach Köppelsdorf, Waltershäuser Puppenmanufaktur, Sigikid, Götz, Goebel, ecc. Troverete anche miniature antiche e case di bambola, miniature 1:12, automi per bambole, teste e corpi di bambole, decorazioni natalizie, bambole Barbie, orsacchiotti d'artista e da collezione, tessuti, pizzi, parrucche, accessori, animali e orsi Steiff, orsetti di altri noti produttori (Bing, Schuco ecc.), giocattoli di latta e vecchi giocattoli. Espositori e collezionisti provenienti da Germania, Paesi Bassi, Belgio, Francia, Repubblica Ceca, Polonia, Russia e Spagna vi aspettano alla Fiera del Collezionismo.

Avete una bambola antica o un'altra rarità giocattolo? Poi portatelo al centro di valutazione della Fiera del Collezionismo e fatelo valutare per il valore e l'età.
Avete anche la possibilità di vendere, scambiare e acquistare. Le bambole che presentano lesioni minori possono essere curate immediatamente presso lo stand del Medico delle bambole e degli orsi. Naturalmente, alla Fiera del Collezionismo nella Frankenhalle ci sono anche meravigliosi accessori: dalle grandi case delle bambole ai piccoli tappetini da bagno, i visitatori troveranno tutto ciò che i loro cuori giocattolo desiderano. Ci sono anche abiti antichi, tessuti, pizzi, scarpe, parrucche e accessori. Dopotutto, le bambole antiche devono continuare a risplendere in tutto il loro splendore.

A proposito, la prossima fiera di bambole antiche da collezione nella Frankenhalle si terrà il 10-11 maggio 2024 nell'ambito del PuppenFestivals di Neustadt bei Coburg e Sonneberg. Quindi prendete subito nota!

Festival Internazionale delle Marionette

Neustadt e Sonneberg

Internationales PuppenFestival

Dal 6 al 12 maggio 2024, l'International DollFestival si svolgerà nella città bavarese delle bambole di Neustadt bei Coburg con la grande borsa del collezionismo antico, il concorso MOA e il grande mercato del giocattolo antico!

Gli amanti degli orsacchiotti, delle bambole antiche e da collezione, dei giocattoli di latta, delle miniature, dei trenini, delle decorazioni natalizie e delle figure di Elastolin avranno pane per i loro denti. Durante la settimana del festival, i musei attirano i visitatori con mostre speciali, i produttori e le manifatture con vendite in fabbrica.

Visitatori da tutto il mondo attendono questo importante evento in Germania.

Le giornate principali (Le nostre raccomandazioni per il programma)

Prima della visita, si prega di telefonare al ristorante per conoscere gli orari di apertura.
Consultate il libretto del programma, disponibile in tutte le sedi.

Neustadt bei Coburg:

Antik- und Sammlermarkt
Antik- und Sammlermarkt

Antik- und Sammlermarkt

Marktplatz und Seitenstraßen in Neustadt/Cbg.

Neustadt bei Coburg:

Große Sammlerbörse
Große Sammlerbörse

Puppen- und Teddybären in der Frankenhalle

The largest antique doll fair in the world with gastronomy in the hall.

Wildenheider Str. 10
96465 Neustadt bei Coburg


Entrance fee: 7,- Euro
Two-day ticket: 12,- Euro
Children up to 10 years have free entrance!

Opening hours:
Friday-Saturday, 10 - 11 May 2024 | 10.00 to 17.00 h

Neustadt bei Coburg (Capitale bavarese delle bambole):

Museum der Deutschen Spielzeugindustrie

Museum of the German Toy Industry

Toy making is the central theme of the museum. It focuses on processing techniques and finished products.

The Museum of the German Toy Industry, built in 1958 as a museum of traditional dolls, was inaugurated in 1988 after extensive redesign. It shows the history of the development of toy manufacturing with recreated workshops. The processing techniques of wood, papier-mache', cardboard and modern plastics of the past 250 years are vividly illustrated.


Museum der Deutschen Spielzeugindustrie
Hindenburgplatz 1
96465 Neustadt


Opening hours:
Tuesday to Sunday daily 10.00-17.00

Bildungsstätte Innerdeutsche Grenze
Bildungsstätte Innerdeutsche Grenze
Bildungsstätte Innerdeutsche Grenze

Inner German Border Education Center

A central element of the kultur.werk.stadt is the BILDUNGSSTÄTTE INNERDEUTSCHE GRENZE. This multimedia permanent exhibition forms the museum starting point for a journey back in time to the Cold War and brings the visitor closer to the situation of the living space directly at the Iron Curtain.

Bahnhofstr. 22
96465 Neustadt b. Coburg

Registration under Tel.: 09568 81-133



Opening hours:
Monday and Thursday
08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday and Friday
08:00 - 13:00

Bildungsstätte Innerdeutsche Grenze

Heunec Plüschspielwaren GmbH & Co. KG

We are an international toy manufacturer based in the doll town of Neustadt near Coburg. With an annual production of two million stuffed animals on average, we are one of the ten largest German manufacturers in the traditional toy trade.

The name HEUNEC stands for almost inexhaustible creativity, great flexibility - but above all - for fun with plush animals! Since the company was founded in 1891, the wishes of our customers have been the focus of our work. Year after year, great stuffed animals are created, each with its own unique character.

Heunec Plüschspielwarenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG
Am Moos 11
96465 Neustadt b. Coburg

Opening hours:
Mon. - Thurs.: 09:00 - 16:00
Fri. 09:00 - 11:30 h

Erich Bohl Plüschspielwaren
Erich Bohl Plüschspielwaren
Erich Bohl Plüschspielwaren

Erich Bohl Plüschspielwaren

For more than 60 years, we at EBO Plüschtiere have been manufacturing high-quality plush toys - gladly also according to the individual wishes of our customers.

Erich Bohl was actually a trained shoemaker when he founded his plush toy factory on March 1, 1954. Together with his wife Gerda, he initially worked in a storeroom of his father's shoemaker's workshop in Kipfendorf in Upper Franconia.


Erich Bohl Plüschspielwaren
Kemmater Weg 7
D-96472 Rödental-Kipfendorf



The exclusive competition exhibits of contemporary puppet artists submitted for the Max Oscar Arnold Art Award can be viewed during the entire duration of the International PuppetFestival in the multi-purpose hall Heubischer Straße in Neustadt bei Coburg.

Neustadt bei Coburg
Heubischer Straße 30
96465 Neustadt bei Coburg


Opening hours:
Sunday – Friday 14 – 19 May 2023 | 10:00 – 17:00
Saturday 20 May 2023 | 10:00 – 16:00

Location: Neustadt bei Coburg, Mehrzweckhalle Heubischer Straße
Entry: EUR 2,50 including 7 % VAT, children free

Fabios Eiscafé

Fabio's ice cream cafe

Fabio's Eiscafé
Fabio Pizzato
Steinweg 13
96465 Neustadt

Phone: 09568 7282


Pizzeria Da Carlo

Pizzeria Da Carlo

Pizzeria Da Carlo
Coburger Str. 13
96465 Neustadt bei Coburg

Phone: 09568 5344


Bratwurst - Stadl

Bratwurst - Stadl

Main road between Neustadt u. Sonneberg
(right direction Sonneberg)

Sonnebergerstrasse 54
Neustadt bei Coburg


Sonneberg (Città mondiale del giocattolo):

haida direct Werksverkauf
haida direct Werksverkauf
haida direct Werksverkauf

haida direct factory outlet

Haida direct in Sonneberg is your specialty mail order company for creative craft supplies for doll and teddy makers.

You are creative and make your own doll, your own teddy?
Doll wigs, doll eyes, doll bodies, doll stands, mohair skins for teddies, glass eyes,teddy joints, all this and much more accessories can be found in our store.

Cuno-Hoffmeister-Straße 5
96515 Sonneberg

haida direct Werksverkauf

"Kesselhaus" Restaurant - Café

The listed - historic boiler house, with its huge boilers, stood empty for a long time after the times of political upheaval in 1989/ 1990. Before this building was extensively restored at the end of the 1990s by the company Haida.

After renewed conversion work in August/ September 2011, to a restaurant, this was opened on October 14, 2011 in the heart of the former world toy city Sonneberg.

It now stands for good German cuisine in a special ambience.

Restaurant - Café Kesselhaus
Cuno Hoffmeister Straße 5
96515 Sonneberg

Phone: 03675/ 4263502


Galanterie Sonneberg
Galanterie Sonneberg
Galanterie Sonneberg

Galanterie Sonneberg

In our stores we carry:
antique dolls and toys from all areas, old Christmas tree decorations, filling figures from papier macheè & mechanical mannequins for Christmas, Easter, etc. as well as old everyday culture for stylish decoration for home / kitchen and garden, folk art, small antiques, porcelain, & knickknacks, curios and collectibles from times gone by...

Altes Spielzeug & Festartikel, Antiquitäten
Obere Marktstrasse 2 / Altstadt
96515 Sonneberg

Phone: 03675 807654



Deutsches Spielzeugmuseum

German Toy Museum

The German Toy Museum was founded in 1901 on the initiative of teacher Paul Kuntze and is located in Sonneberg, Thuringia. The oldest German toy museum has been housed since 1938 in a building originally erected in 1901 for the industrial and trade school of the Meininger Oberland.

Deutsches Spielzeugmuseum
Beethovenstraße 10
96515 Sonneberg



Veste Coburg

Veste Coburg (Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg)

The Veste Coburg, a medieval castle complex developed into a fortress, towers over the town of Coburg in the Upper Franconian border region with Thuringia. It has an extension of about 135 by 260 meters and is very well preserved. The Veste is located about 160 meters above the city center.

Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg
Veste Coburg
96450 Coburg

Phone: 09561 879-0



Historic Old Town Coburg

Is it the winding alleys in the old town, the half-timbered houses or the defiant castles and palaces that make Coburg so special?

A glimpse into the city's varied past can be experienced everywhere, between Renaissance buildings and neo-Gothic rows of houses. In the city center, there are still around 1,100 buildings, ensembles and historic gardens that are protected as individual or ensemble monuments.

Markt 10
96450 Coburg


RESTAURANT Künstler-Klause „wein&fein“
RESTAURANT Künstler-Klause „wein&fein“

RESTAURANT Künstler-Klause „wein&fein“

We have bundled our ideas. We concentrate on our strengths and focus on high quality and on high quality and enjoyment.
The Künstler-Klause "wein&fein" now presents itself young, fresh and innovative.
We offer contemporary cuisine as well as our Künstler-Klause - classics , changing specialties and "fine with wine".
Enjoy your stay in our beautiful ambience and let us spoil you with culinary delights.

RESTAURANT Künstler-Klause „wein&fein“
Theaterplatz 4
96450 Coburg

Tel.: 09561.90705

RESTAURANT Künstler-Klause „wein&fein“
Firma HERMANN-Spielwaren GmbH
Firma HERMANN-Spielwaren GmbH
Firma HERMANN-Spielwaren GmbH

Company HERMANN-Spielwaren GmbH

Teddy bears stuffed with wood wool belong to the rarity treasure of the teddy bear world and are hardly offered on the market today, in the age of short-lived mass-produced goods. What used to be part of the daily craft of the teddy bear maker has become a valuable and rare treasure. Worldwide, there are only a handful of experts who still master the traditional art of wood-wool stuffing. Years of training, muscular strength and an artistic sense of form are required to perform the very time-consuming process of wood wool darning.

For over 100 years, we have been cultivating the art of stuffing teddy bears with wood wool in our house. This makes our teddy bears incomparable and unique creatures with value preserving character.

HERMANN-Spielwaren GmbH
Im Grund 9-11
96450 Coburg-Cortendorf



Europäisches Museum für Modernes Glas
Europäisches Museum für Modernes Glas

European Museum of Modern Glass

Since 2008 the European Museum of Modern Glass has been housed in a new building opposite the orangery of Schloss Rosenau in Rödental, thanks first and foremost to the Coburg entrepreneur and arts patron Otto Waldrich.

This building offers 1,260 m² of exhibition space. The permanent exhibition on the ground floor shows the development of studio glass from the 1960s to the present. Besides creatively designed functional glassware and objects, visitors can also view sculptures and installations in glass. The core of the exhibition consists of works which were submitted for the four Coburg Glass Prize competitions in the years 1977, 1985, 2006 and 2014.

Europäisches Museum für Modernes Glas
Rosenau 10
96472 Rödental

Phone: 0 95 61 / 8 79-0 or 0 95 63 / 16 06
(during opening hours)


Rosenau Castle in Rödental

Rosenau Castle is a castle in the middle of a park in Unterwohlsbach, a district of the town of Rödental. It is the birthplace of Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, later husband of the British Queen Victoria. Today it is used as a museum.

Schloss Rosenau in Rödental
Rosenau 1
96472 Rödental


Tutte le informazioni per i visitatori sono disponibili anche su: www.puppenfestival-neustadt.de

Informazioni turistiche

Neustadt bei Coburg:

Bahnhofstraße 22
96465 Neustadt bei Coburg

Tel.: +49 (0) 9568 81139
Web: www.neustadt-bei-coburg.de


Touristinformation & Naturparkcenter Sonneberg
Bahnhofsplatz 3
96515 Sonneberg

Tel.: +49 (0) 3675 702 711
Web: www.sonneberg-tourismus.de


Herrngasse 4
96450 Coburg

Tel.: +49 (0) 9561 89-8000
Web: www.coburgmarketing.de



Documentazione per gli espositori, serata di festa, programma, corsi

Informatevi sugli eventi a cui vorreste partecipare come espositori o visitatori.

Scarica direttamente qui il modulo di registrazione per:
Registrazione per gli espositori alla Grande Fiera del Collezionismo nella Frankenhalle


Qui è possibile scaricare loghi e moduli per il Neustadt PuppetFestival 2024.

Modulo di registrazione 2024


Registrazione degli espositori alla Grande Borsa del Collezionismo nella Frankenhalle.

Opuscolo del programma 2024


Scarica qui il libretto del
programma del Festival delle marionette di Neustadt.



Scaricate qui i loghi del Festival delle marionette di Neustadt per un ulteriore utilizzo.


A tutte le domande sull'evento risponderà l'organizzatore Walter Neumann:


Agenzia Walter Neumann
Max-Fremery-Str. 3a
50827 Köln

Telefono: +49 221 – 530 63 53

E-Mail: spies@puppenfestival-neustadt.de


Città di Neustadt bei Coburg

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